Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Lasagna and the Love of God

Who would think that lasagna should be associated with God's love? It doesn't really sound very spiritual does it?

Yesterday I came home from work and what did I see? My sister had brought over a lasagna for my wife who was feeling under the weather. I thought to myself "isn't it wonderful to be a part of a family that cares so much!"

Then, this morning I see one of my colleagues blessing someone with--you guessed it--a lasagna! Another example of expressing care to someone in need.

But then I realized something else, something bigger and deeper: these were people who were God's children sharing their love for one another--this was God's Family at work!

As children of our Heavenly Father we can sometimes get too focused on things that aren't that good in the Family (church). But we need to remember that Jesus loves His Bride and is continually showing us His love through Her.

Maybe today you know someone who needs a "lasagna" and you have the opportunity to bring it to them. I encourage you to do it--make the effort to go out of your way today to bless someone.

I think you will find it 'tastes' pretty good!

Brian M Tysdal
Lead Pastor
Rock of Ages Church
Saskatoon Sask.
374-1707 (Church)
291-3308 (Cel)

1 comment:

  1. I've been reading Eugene Peterson's Practicing Resurrection lately, and I've been reminded again that God is not a concept for us to abstract or dissect but that He is known through relationships, in the everyday and ordinary. God and lasagna.

    Always a pleasure to read these, Brian! Thanks again, my friend.


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