Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Four Foot Crack

Here's a question that's coming to my mind:  "are we listening?"  Are we listening for the voice of God speaking through events in our world telling us to re-evaluate our priorities?
I am not one to see destruction and doom behind every negative incident in our society, but, if I take the Bible seriously, if I take God seriously, then I have to be willing to allow myself to accept that things will not always be rosy here on earth.
Recently an earthquake hit Washington, and one of its most prominent monuments was badly shaken.  After the shocks had subsided there was a significant four-foot-long crack in one of its marble panels.  You can see the picture below:

This monument represents the strength of a nation; it serves as a reminder of the foundations upon which generations have found their identity and safety.  When the magnitude of these foundations, the principles upon which a nation is founded, become clouded in that God is left to the side, what happens is that "cracks" begin to form because the only sure and safe foundation is Jesus.

Here at home, we are experiencing cracks too.  Public life, for us, revolves so much around economics that it is impossible to avoid.  My wife and I were talking about the possibilities that could affect our family if the economy cracks.  Are our hearts in the right place if our "stuff" is lost?  Is our foundation so strongly in Jesus, that if our lives change significantly will we still be able to stand?

2 Timothy 2:19 says "God's solid foundation stands firm. . .The Lord knows those who are His."

My encouragement to you today is this:  First, begin to turn your eyes from the things of this world as the source of your safety and life, and turn to Jesus.  How?  Simply make the choice and say to Him "I want you to be more to me than my stuff".  He will listen and will help you.  Second: Trust.  No matter what you may experience in your life, in your world, trust in Jesus.  He is the most solid "investment" you could ever make!

A final thought:  look around you, consider what you see, and be honest with yourself--is there a voice speaking to you?


1 comment:

  1. I agree Brian . . . This is a critical question and hard to answer with personal assurance. So I pray I will have ruthless trust and believe for miracles like Elijah :)


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