Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Memory Lane

I once saw a movie where the main character was wondering who he was and he asked the question: "Am I nothing more than the sum of my memories?"  He was trying to understand his present circumstances and the complexity of his life, of how he got to the place where he was and was wrestling toward something that had meaning and stability--something that he could grab hold of that would be a beacon of sorts that would help to guide his searching thoughts.

We do this all the time, only we probably don't have a room of Hollywood script writers at our disposal to help us to put our muddled thoughts into a such a succinct and profound soundbite. 

The point I'm trying to bring out here has to do with this character's question that touches on our memories:  if I am unable to access my memories, then how do I have a sense of who I am?  Or, even more importantly, if my memories fail me then how on earth do I have access to something bigger than me to help me know what is true and right?

James chapter 1 talks about a man who looks into a mirror and then as soon as he turns away he loses all ability to remember what he looks like.  He has no dependable memory to help frame his understanding of his face.  A strange description on the surface of things.  However, when we begin to see just how important it is that human beings are able to have dependable memories, something that can help us stand on something that is solid and sure, then we need to take this seriously.

God himself made us.  If we don't accept this fact on faith then we are in trouble right off the bat.  But if God made us, and He made us with the ability to think, then He must think it important that we would have memories right?

Well, He says to us that a man who recieves input from the Bible (hearing, reading) and does not "do" it (that is put what the Word says into action), then it does nothing to shape our memories, our thinking.  A person who hears the Word and doesn't do what it says walks away and has no idea of what it was all about--no dependable thought, no solid memory to draw from.

I need to pay attention to that. . . ..do you?

Jesus, as you teach us how to obey and act on your word, please also teach us what it means to do so in your power and in your will, not our own.


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