Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Gold Standard

Recently we have been hearing a lot lately about the shaky state the global economy is in.  This seems to be a recurring theme over the last few years.  With all the doubt surrounding the American dollar, it seems that many investors are seeing gold as a safe haven for their investments.  The "standard" is set by gold, with its stability and safety in the midst of economic turmoil.

There is another "gold standard" that has far more importance, but is much less palatable for most of us Christians and that is the description of what real relationships should look like between followers of Christ.  For most of us church goers, when we walk through the door of our place of worship, do our thoughts cause us to wonder how it is that we are going to take responsibility for our brother's and sister's well-being?  Or do we take a view that since each person is responsible for their own relationship with Jesus then it is better that we don't get too involved with each other and just be glad to associate with the crowd?

When I think of being a family I am mindful that every member of the family has responsibilities toward each other.  As a father, I need to make sacrifices on behalf of my children and my wife.  This is not a shocking thought, but is instead simply understood as necessary.  In fact, it would be true to say that if I didn't do these things then it would be obviously wrong that I was being selfish in my actions because taking responsibility for my family is the right thing to do.

Now let me ask you a question:  if my family deserves my commitment to being responsible for them, then shouldn't it make obvious sense that the same should be true of our commitment to being a part of God's family? 

In Galatians 6:2 Paul said that we should "Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."  How can we carry each others burdens if we don't take responsibility for each other?  How can I help carry my brother's and sister's burdens if I am not prepared to make a serious commitment to them? 

But for me the "gold standard" for real relationship is in Acts 2:42-47.  Here we are told that believers in Jesus were filled with the Holy Spirit and they sacrificed their belongings on behalf of those who didn't have much.  They shared their food together, they shared their lives together--I really do believe this is God's heart for His people--that we would be responsible for each other.

I'm not entirely sure why we don't do this more.  Certainly it is because of sin, but is there something more specific?  Could it be that we don't exactly know how to be responsible for each other?  Is it possible that we really don't think we have the time to do something more than what we see now? 

Do we even want to. .. ..?

I believe that the Bible makes it clear that we are to take very seriously being "other-centered" in all we do.  In 1 Cor. 9:19 Paul tells us again that "Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone."  Seems to me that Paul understood something about what it meant to live with others in mind before himself.

One can talk about investing in stocks all they want, but unless they actually put their money where their mouth is they will never see the benefit.  By the same token, we can read or talk about what the "gold standard" of real relationships is, but unless we are willing to actually take a step of faith into it--by putting our lives on the line and commiting ourselves as slaves to each other, we will never reap the benefits of what God has in mind.

Jesus, help us all to humbly accept that we do not really live as we should and that we have succumbed to the world's standards and not your gold standard for relationships.  Forgive us and heal us that we would be willing to follow your example so clearly described in your Word.

Let us see what it means to really shine as your Family in this world!


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