Monday, December 9, 2024

Desire and Power

 What a world we live in!

It seems that everyday we are bombarded with news about another conflict.  One day it's Israel and Palestine; the next it's Russia and Ukraine.  

And the conflicts are not limited to armed ones. . .we see similar traits in the economic wranglings between the U.S. and China along with various other players on the global economic stage.  

And even further:  there are endless skirmishes related to identity politics; the battle between the 'right' and the 'left'; gender and sexuality tensions; and the age old issues between people of differing religious beliefs.

We have opinions about these things, sometimes very strong ones!  And we have a growing sense that the media that provides us information might not be trustworthy.  We can begin to feel 'cut loose' from anything truly anchoring.  What this can lead to is latching on to a voice that reflects at least one of these character traits: 1. The Loudest; 2. The Largest; 3. The Most Comfortable.  When we are unsure of our own path combined with an inner need to stand for something, we can be attracted to the loudest voice.  The one that gets all the air time.  This is often the one that defines or creates a certain culture.  Or we can align with the voice that is the largest.  This voice has attracted the most people, and this creates a sense of stability or strength as more and more people share the opinions that reside here.  Or we can find our place in what is most comfortable.  This usually means that we align with what we would call 'traditional', or what we are most familiar with.  

But my question is this:  who decides what is true?

At the end of the day the loudest, largest or most comfortable voice is still a voice that arises from people and no matter the scale, it becomes a reflection of mere human thought.  We need something more.

Desire and power play a major role in the world.  What we want and how we are able to get those things drives much of what see around us.  I see people expressing desires all the time, often related to important topics that really do affect peoples' lives, but I rarely see or hear people expressing their desires that reflect that of the God of the Bible.  

It's become passe in most public dialogue.

We have been given an incredible voice that comes to us from outside of our current experiences and influences.  I believe this voice is trustworthy even when it might be the quietest, the smallest or the least comfortable.  

I have been moved and encouraged lately by this voice that gives me hope.  In Philippians 2:13 it says that "God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him." (New Living Translation)

God cares about desire and power.  But He is working to build up desires and power that come from him, not those ideas that arise from this world.  

It might seem like a pipe-dream to say that if world leaders, educational influencers and cultural shapers would take seriously God's desires and be open to his power to enact those desires, we would begin to see a world emerge that allows people to experience true freedom.  But I don't believe it's a pipe-dream at all.

It might be impossible for me to make it happen, but this God loves to do impossible things through people who dare to dream and believe.  

I pray that today you will hear a voice that points you to God who cares deeply about your desires and about the power needed to see them come into reality.  It might lead you to abandon some things you currently cherish, but if you are willing to consider what he says, you will discover freedom like you never imagined possible.

I know it's changed my world, maybe it will change yours. . .

Blessings friend,


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