Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Wonder and Complexity


The term brings up so many images, thoughts and emotions that to try and narrow it down into a simple explanation is impossible. 

But, even though this true, life is still so compelling!

I have two contrasting experiences that are teaching me about the complexity of this journey we are on. 

The first happened to me a few days ago as I was walking downtown Saskatoon. I was striding down a sidewalk when an elderly woman came up to me and with great intent she looked at me straight in the eyes and with a harsh expression she pointed her finger at me and said : "I am making it my mission to remind people to always 'stay on the sunny side of life'". Then she just walked away. 

Weird, but still caught my attention. Later I looked on the web and discovered that staying on the sunny side is actually a song done by some family folk singers generations ago and it reminded us that no matter what we are going through there is always some sun to be found. 

A good message but it came to me packaged in an expression that was harsh and abrasive. 

Then more recently I spent some time with a person who looks pleasant enough on the outside but it became clear pretty quickly that this person could not see the sun in anything. 

Life is complex indeed!

I thought this for a while and I realized that it can be difficult sometimes to engage in life because it can be so confusing- good messages from harsh faces and harsh messages from good faces-  I think you get the point. 

It can be tempting to run and hide from our world if things get too difficult for us to understand but that is the last thing that Jesus wants for us. In fact, He invites us to embrace the diversity that we find in life and be taught that what might look like and feel like confusion can be understood with a mind that embraces it as wonder

Think about what he wants us to hear in this passage: 
Psalm 111:2-4 NIV

Great are the works of the Lord ; they are pondered by all who delight in them. Glorious and majestic are his deeds, and his righteousness endures forever. He has caused his wonders to be remembered; the Lord is gracious and compassionate.

He has caused his wonders to be remembered.... What do you think this means?  Is it possible that God could show us his amazing wonders through the confusion of our experiences?

I think so, and I think it has a lot do with our attitudes. If our attitude is to see life through the lenses of God and his wonder-filled works, then it becomes an adventure to experience what comes in your day. I'm not saying that all your experiences will be pleasant if we have eyes to see God's wonders, but I am saying that life will make much more sense. 

So how are you seeing your life?  Are its complexities frustrating you or filling you with wonder?

My prayer for you today is that Jesus would show you just how wonderful is the life he has given you. 


Pastor Brian Tysdal
Rock of Ages Church
Saskatoon, Sask.

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