Saturday, December 17, 2011

You Know When It's Real

You've probably heard of the Wendy's restaurant commercial that boasts of their fresh food and associates that freshness with 'real' food.  Their point is that something is much better when it is real than when it's not.  Sounds silly on the surface, but there is a profound truth that is hidden in this statement--and it has nothing to do hamburger patties.

Many years ago a philosopher tried to prove the existence of God through a rational argument and one of the statements that he made was that God was the most perfect Being, the most powerful, the most loving, the most knowing etc.  But then he went on to say that in order for Him to be the most perfect and best Being, He had to actually exist, because if He was just a theory then He could not be the best. The idea of something perfect is somehow less than the actual existance of that perfect thing. In essence, what he was saying was exactly the same as Wendys:  real is the best!  And when you come into contact with the real thing, you know it.

Now whether you are the most profound philosopher or just someone who really enjoys a Baconator, the same is true when you come into contact with the Living God--you most certainly know that He is real.  But do you ever get frustrated with a sense that life with God, or doing the church 'thing' just seems to come up short?  Like there is something missing?  It just doesn't quite seem like what you think is the real thing?

Certainly sin is always skulking around and causing us to suffer from degrees of separation from God, but what I really want to do in this blog is to remind us of a simple truth that God himself speaks loud and clear: In Exodus 3:14 God introduced Himself to Moses by saying "I AM WHO I AM" This is what you are to say to the Israelites: "I AM" has sent me to you."

I AM.  Sounds pretty different than "I Am Not" doesn't it?

God is real, and is reaching out to us.  And I think the best thing about all of this is that this most perfect Being is wanting for me, and for you to know Him intimately--to see Him, to feel Him, to experience Him, to know that He is real.

Isn't it kind of amazing to think that one of the most important things to God is that we would know Him?  If He really wants that, and is the most powerful Being in existence, then maybe we can relax and trust Him to be able to show us what He is all about? 

I can just hear I AM saying 'sounds good to me!'


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