Thursday, December 12, 2013

What's In a Number?

This post will be my 200th entry to Rock Talk!  A brief historical overview tells me that the page has been viewed over 8000 times, with untold views by people who receive the posts via email, and people from over 20 countries have read the words on this page.  I have been crafting entries here for over 2 years and have been so very blessed to have this avenue to share my heart about Jesus and His desires for us.

I am genuinely grateful for the Lord providing me the perseverance needed to continue on this journey of proclamation, and even though the numbers do tell a story, they do not tell the whole story, or even come close to expressing the most important part of the story.

You see, the most important number is not 20, or 200, or 8000---the most important number is "1".

All our efforts, all our desires, all our struggles and victories, all our friendships, all our milestones in life, all point to the number "1".  Why?  Because life itself is only possible through the one Almighty God who creates and sustains all things. 

1 Timothy 2:5 says "There is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men. . ."

That's why I write Rock Talk, to bring glory to the "1", to God the Father who showed His love for us by sending His Son Jesus to show us the way to real life, to a life of freedom and hope.  I write to glorify Jesus who was so in tune with His Father that He knew His life on earth would be the answer that humanity so desperately needed.  Through Jesus a way was made for us to become united with God again.  I write so as to recognize, glorify and follow the Holy Spirit who is God within us, providing and teaching us all things as we walk the path of this life. 

We can so easily get caught up in the many distractions and responsibilities of life, but when you really think about it, it all comes down to "1".

Lord, I declare that You are the "1" that makes life make sense.  And today I honor You.


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