Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Not Ashamed

My dictionary describes shame as "a feeling of distress or humiliation caused by consciousness of the guilt or foolishness of oneself or an associate."  In other words, shame is feeling humiliation because of something about yourself or about someone you are closely associated with.

Shame can be a debilitating thing.  If you have ever experienced it you know exactly what I mean.  But I don`t want to emphasize shame here.  I only bring it up because it is the counterpoint to the amazing freedom that comes with not being ashamed!

Yesterday I started up with curling for another year (I know---winter is coming!).  And I have the privilege of having my dad and brother on my team.  Neither of them have curled in this league before, and my brother couldn`t make this first game, but dad was there so I was introducing him to everybody I could.  Why?  Because he is a man of character and I was proud to have others meet him, and proud to have others know that I am his son!

There is a peace and confidence that settles into one's soul when you don't live with shame.  You feel that there is nothing to hide; that you don't need to put on a mask; that, even though you know good and well that you are far from perfect, you still have a sense of freedom with others to let them know who you really are.  That's how it felt with dad--that I was totally at peace with other people knowing that my identity is tied closely to him.

I think that's what it must have felt like for Paul when he was writing to a group of people in Rome about Jesus.  He said "I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ. . . ." (Romans 1:16).  I really think he meant it.  He had a settled peace deep within him, that he was not ashamed to be known as being associated with Jesus.  In fact, I am convinced that Paul was pleased to let people know that even his identity was to be found in who Jesus was.  Just like me sitting in the curling rink being pleased to introduce others to my dad--Paul was happy, and proud to introduce others to Jesus--and to be identified with him.

And now for a moment of brutal honesty:  I'm not always excited to tell the world about my association with Jesus.  I don't always have this sense of pride that fills me when there is an opportunity to let others know about this amazing person who has changed my life.  I am still a person who struggles with sin, and this sin can cause moments of shame--whether it be about myself, or those I am associated with--in this case, Jesus.  And this is just another reason why Jesus is so incredible and kind.

You see, Jesus is so filled with goodness and love, and he understands that I am on a road of continually discovering who I am in Him.  He knows that I am still battling the effects of sin and that I won't always live in the freedom He has given to me.  When that happens, I will sometimes allow shame to creep in.  But He is never content to leave me there!  He knows that the very best thing for me is to find my freedom in Him and Him alone--and so He reminds me through His word, and by the Holy Spirit speaking to my heart, that I am being invited to give up my shame and once again be filled with forgiveness and freedom which then causes me to want to introduce others to Him, and to have others know how filled with joy I am to be known as a child of God!

Living without shame is such a beautiful thing, and I hope that everyone who reads this will be able to experience this today.  I know you can because I am confident in knowing what Jesus is all about and how much He loves you. 

The real question is will you listen to Him?


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