Thursday, June 14, 2012


KISS.  Not the Rock band of the seventies and eighties, but the acronym:  Keep It Simple Stupid.

I need to be reminded of this saying every now and again.  I think this is because the world I live in is a very complicated one, and it does everything in its power to convince me to live according to its principles.  There is also a tendency in my sinful nature to try and do things in my own wisdom, and that wisdom often is a reflection of the way the world works.  All this leads to a way of living that is complex and burdensome.

But sometimes I am reminded that it doesn't always have to be that way.  Here is one example: in James 1:22 there are four words that fly in the face of worldly complexity and these four words are "do what it says."

Read the Bible and do what it says.

Sounds so simple doesn't it?  But does God really expect me to just do what He says?  I mean doesn't He know how that would mess things up?  Isn't He aware of how the world really works?  Is He oblivious to how that would rock the boat, and probably bring a ton of embarassment to me?

Yes, yes and yes.

Simplicity is not always easy.

In fact I have coined a term that fits well here:  simplexity.  What simplexity means is a simple way of living that actually works in the nuances and variances of complex life.  It is very hard to imagine, but I believe that when we step out in faith, we will see just how God works his 'magic' accomplishing the things that gladden His heart as we simply 'do what it says.'

KISS.  Simplicity in a complex world--I wonder what God could do if we took this seriously?


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