Thursday, May 31, 2012


We all know we need to do it, but it just seems so hard sometimes. 

What I'm talking about is priorities.  What things are really important and what things can be left to the side for now?  It gets confusing when we have to work through that dreaded 'is this something I need or just something I want'.  To be honest, we probably have a lot to learn about our wants and needs too, as God's priorities do battle against the values of this world.

For example: what does it mean to have a generous heart?  To live with a deep-seated understanding that we serve a God with unlimited resources?  Do we believe that we can really live 'abundantly' by offering everything we have in service to Him?

I know that I have a long way to go in this, but I also know that He is working on my heart to change it to reflect Him in this.

Priorities:  In the hustle and bustle of life we can get easily sidetracked from the things that are most important--the things that God values most.

Yesterday I was at a prayer meeting and I asked the Lord to show me a verse from His Word that would be applicable to the prayers being offered up and this is what He clearly showed me:  Psalm 132:2-5, "He swore an oath to the Lord and made a vow to the Mighty One of Jacob: 'I will not enter my house or go to my bed--I will allow no sleep to my eyes, no slumber to my eyelids, till I find a place for the Lord, a dwelling for the Mighty One of Jacob.'

What an amazing word about priorities!

David was so enamoured with his God that he was not going to allow himself any earthly pleasures until he took care of God's business first.  Now it turns out that Solomon would be the one to build the temple, but David's heart cry is still the right model for us to emulate. 

I want to have my heart become so focussed on God priorities that the other things in life, though important too, find their proper place.

I'm sure that many questions arise about 'how':  how do I do this when I have to work everyday?  How do I do this when I have kids that need shuttling around to three different events? How, how, how?

Maybe it starts with our heart and not our schedule?  Maybe God is just looking for a genuine heart that desires this and is willing to include Him in what is going on?  Maybe He is just waiting to be invited?

I live in the same world as you, and all I can say is this:  If God has shown us a priority, then I believe He can make a way to accomplish it--no matter what or where or when.

He is the God of the impossible after all. . . .


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