Tuesday, March 13, 2012

How Sweet It Is

Sometimes life is really good.

Last week I had the privilege of curling in a nationwide curling tournament called the Friar's Briar.  There were 22 teams from B.C. to Ontario and even one from Wisconsin attending.  I hadn't experienced that competative adrenaline for so long I was surprised when I felt it--those pre-game butterflies were a little unfamiliar to me. 

Our team played very well.  Well enough that we were able to win the bronze medal and it was a great feeling.  One of the things that I like to do after a good game (or tournament) is to think back on the games themselves:  I replay the ebbs and flows of the games, the good shots and the bad ones, and remember how it all felt.  Of course, when you win, the memories are positive and I can find enjoyment in thinking about all of it.

A couple days after the tournament was over, and after I had re-enjoyed the whole thing again and again in mind, I found something else happening:  there was a small emptiness that started to replace the enjoyment I was feeling.  As I thought about it I realized that I was being too pre-occupied with something as fleeting as doing well at a tournament, allowing my ego to be stroked to the point of distraction.  I was distracted from Jesus.

Now, Jesus has no issues with me, or anyone else, enjoying things like curling tournaments, He just doesn't want us to have our hearts be distracted from Him.  My heart was feeling distanced from Him and I could feel it as much as I could feel the thrill of winning bronze.

So, today, I was drawn back to scripture and the words that bring real life.

In Revelation 22:17 we read the words of God reminding us that Jesus is coming back to earth, and that those who follow Him are to be enthusiastically and expectantly calling out to Him to come.  "The Spirit and the bride say, 'Come!'  And let him who hears say, 'Come!'  Whoever is thristy, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life."

This is where my heart must remain.  Life makes sense to me when I have my eyes fixed on Jesus, and when I don't, it wanders and begins to feel empty.  I am reminded that one day I will see Jesus face to face, and so today I come into agreement with God's own heart and say to Jesus "Come!"  Come back so that we can experience the fullness that you promise us; come back and fulfill your eternal plan of salvation for humanity; come and allow your children to see the fullness of your glory!

Success in a tournement is so much fun, and it did my heart good.  But it just doesn't compare with life with Jesus. . . .

How sweet it is.


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